Monday, 13 October 2014

Ideal protein |Proti Diet| for body building and weight loss London Ontario

Body weight and its effect

Obesity, hypertension and deep breathing has become a very common symptoms in the human being. Mostly the Urbans are going through these complications. These are not diseases but they create diseases like high blood pressure, narrowing of the blood vessels, dysfunction of liver and pancreas and so on. The only reason of these complications is deposition of fat and glycogen in our body cells.  


effect on personality

 After digestion carbohydrate, fat and protein are absorbed in the small intestine into blood and then stored into the body cells. Protein, carbohydrate and a little part of carbohydrates are used in body building .The rest of fat and carbohydrates are used to generate energy molecules (ATP) for general functions of the body.

 \process of absorption after digestion

Digestive system of human being

The remaining, mostly the fat remains as it is in the cells and this makes the maximum part of body weight (not dry weight). If we are not doing sufficient physical work the fat content of the cells increases gradually and causing heavy body weight. The normal body weight of a male is 60 Kg or 100-120 lb and for female 45 kg or 75-80 lb.

deposition of fat in arteries the yellow part

Deposition of fat in blood vessels, liver and in heart is very fatal. It may cause death of the person. Beside this it makes the person look ugly. It reduces the sexual capability and stamina of the body. Mostly women have to face difficulties. This is also a great factor in our social issues like carrier and marriage.

diseased liver

lack of sexual desire

To lose the fat content of the body is not a very easy job. In general people go on dieting to lose weight but dieting is not a proper solution as it may cause you to lose your dry weight. Once you lose your dry weight you hardly can get it. This is the most vital demerit of dieting. Dieting is not a clinical procedure for the treatment of weight.

protein rich food

To lose weight we just need to exclude the fat part of the food. We need to take foods with low fat and high protein. As we know our body has the mechanism to use fat as a prior material to generate energy for body functions. So if we are not taking fat in our diet then the stored fat will be consumed in our metabolism and we can lose weight.  

Proti Diet

So we need something different beside our traditional food. In this case there are various products which are recommended during weight lose procedure. We are introducing Proti diet which is a medically developed weight loss method that guarantees 3-5 lbs of weight loss per week. Protein weight loss plans have been in effect for many years. They have been proven to work. Another great benefit to this type of weight loss is that it doesn't require much effort on the side of the dieter. It can easily be called a Pick-up-and-go plan. A number of meal replacements per day are required in order to reach the desired protein intake that the body needs in order to maintain muscle mass and feel energetic and satisfied.

vitamins & supplements


 When you are on the weight loss plan, you will be on a regular contact with your weight loss consultant. You should visit our clinic on weekly basis so we can monitor and take readings of your health progress. Once you have reached the desired weight, then you enter the maintenance stage and then it’s totally upon you how you are going to maintain it. Visits to our clinic become more infrequent and the meals supplements required are reduced significantly. Please call to schedule your free consultation NOW!  *Individual results may vary Usually 4 are sufficient.


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